24 01, 2023

Sales Forecasting Needs Structure


Remember that strategic plan you set up? It was, and is, full of energy and inspiration. But there is a temptation to get distracted by everyday performance as you and your team look at more short-term goals. It is not unusual for CEOs and other senior executives to focus on what is happening now. [...]

Sales Forecasting Needs Structure2023-05-06T11:14:55-04:00
1 03, 2021

Of HERO and Multiple Routes of Persuasion-The Sales Lab


We follow several researchers for our work at The Nova Consulting Group, but one of our favorites is Dr. Willy Bolander. Dr. Bolander is the Carl DeSantis Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Florida, and it is worth your time looking at his research. He recently interviewed us about The Advanced Sales [...]

Of HERO and Multiple Routes of Persuasion-The Sales Lab2023-05-06T10:36:06-04:00
18 01, 2015

More than Steps: Defining Your Sales Process


Defining and executing a sales process is an essential building block for high-performance sales teams. It is where all of the steps of our sale are recorded, and our buyer behaviors are detailed. It aids our opportunity tracking and is frequently used in coaching encounters. It is used when developing forecasts and informs others [...]

More than Steps: Defining Your Sales Process2023-05-08T15:25:18-04:00
11 01, 2015

From Sales Representative to Sales Manager: Why It Fails and What You Can Do


Congratulations, you just got promoted. You built and managed a successful sales territory, and now your leaders what you to lead the sales team. Great. Now all you need to do is "teach" everyone on the sales team to do what you did…right? No problem. You managed a successful sales territory; teaching others to [...]

From Sales Representative to Sales Manager: Why It Fails and What You Can Do2023-05-08T15:44:07-04:00
7 09, 2014



“Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something;  one in which confidence is placed;  dependence on something future or contingent : hope…” Merriam-Webster Trust - We all know what it is.  We all know it is essential in our interactions with others; we even profess to be “trusted advisors” [...]

14 08, 2014

The Power of the Pursuit – “The Chase to Nowhere”


How many times has your sales team “chased” a prospective opportunity only to lose it in the end?  Why does your sales leader continue to pour resource into sales team members who are not succeeding?  Why is the company leadership so committed to a direction when all of the indicators point to failure if [...]

The Power of the Pursuit – “The Chase to Nowhere”2022-12-05T16:36:02-05:00
7 08, 2014

The Hockey Stick Effect


The Urban Dictionary defines “hockey stick” as “a line graph that stays relatively flat for most of its length then spikes upward abruptly near its end….” Does this describe how your revenue stream looks?  If it does, bear in mind that while you may have “made your numbers”, those numbers were realized at a [...]

The Hockey Stick Effect2022-12-05T16:28:26-05:00
20 07, 2014

Prospecting Activity: A Decisive Element of Revenue Success


Prospecting Employing the amplifiers of social networks, email marketing, lead generation strategies, etc., are essential elements in today’s selling environment.  Multiple channels of communication are what we recommend to all of our clients.  Furthermore, multiple channels include prospecting calls through either the phone or starting an in-person conversation with a potential client. Activity volume [...]

Prospecting Activity: A Decisive Element of Revenue Success2023-04-08T08:40:51-04:00
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