Smooth the path, be more effective, and build the kind of relationship you want with your buyers.

Introduction to the Advanced Sales Conversation Model© Workshop
Technology can be a huge help but there comes a moment when a business purchase needs the human touch. Buyers expect more from your sales team and look for guidance and expertise.
This is where we come in. It’s time to give your sales methodology a boost. Connect the human touch with results.

Scientifically Robust – Discover how people think, decide, and reveal information.

Reliable, focused, and natural conversation in all settings. No need to change your methodology

Enables your salespeople to influence without gimmicks or pressure
What you will learn:
Learn about the latest cutting-edge research about communication and decision-making.
Discover how your buyer thinks, reveals information, and makes decisions.

Adapting sales conversations to hybrid or virtual settings is the bridge your buyer is looking for.
“The concepts within the Advanced Sales Conversation© made our sales conversations more effective and helped us improve our close ratio.”
Mike Cataldo, CEO, Convergent Dental