The Advanced Sales Conversation Model©
A Game-Changing Sales Conversation Framework

Unlock the full potential of your sales conversations with The Advanced Sales Conversation Model© (ASC), a groundbreaking end-to-end sales conversation framework developed by the experts at The Nova Consulting Group. Our team of researchers and practitioners, backed by empirical evidence and deep insights into the dynamics of sales conversations, have crafted a comprehensive approach that brings together cutting-edge concepts from human behavioral and cognitive sciences.

The ASC Model incorporates a wide range of essential sales concepts, including:

The Science of Decision-Making: Understanding the cognitive processes behind customers’ choices will enable you to navigate better and influence their decisions.

Decision Models for the Sales Conversation: Learn practical strategies for guiding prospects through each stage of the decision-making process.

The Science of Persuasion: Learn the art of ethical persuasion to encourage positive action and achieve desired outcomes.

Primary Motivation Models: Identify the driving forces behind your prospects’ behaviors and tailor your approach accordingly.

The Science of Human Communication: Hone your communication skills to foster genuine connections and build trust with your prospects.

How People Reveal Information: Discover how to uncover hidden needs, preferences, and concerns that can influence the outcome of the sale.

Behavior-Change Models: Leverage proven techniques for influencing behavior change and helping prospects overcome barriers to adopting your solution.

The Art and Science of Listening: Develop active listening skills to effectively understand your prospects’ perspectives and address their concerns.

Sales Opportunity Analysis Models: Assess the potential of each sales opportunity and identify critical factors that can impact the deal.

Science of Negotiation: Leverage negotiation tactics to secure favorable terms and conditions for both parties.

The Science of Argumentation: Strengthen your ability to construct and present compelling arguments that resonate with your prospects.

Trust Building Modeling and Process: Learn proven strategies for establishing and maintaining trust throughout the sales process.

Unlock your sales potential with The Advanced Sales Conversation Model© (ASC) by The Nova Consulting Group. Empower your teams today and achieve exceptional results to elevate your sales success.

The Advanced Sales Conversation© Workshop

4-Hour Introduction to the Advanced Sales Conversation© Concepts

This workshop is for you:

  • If you are tired of the worn-out, traditional sales-speak that no longer gets the results you need to achieve your goals
  • If you are looking for an innovative, provocative sales conversation method and model that separates you from other sales organizations
  • If you want to be more effective with your high-value sales meetings.

Navigate Complex, High-Value Sales Conversations!