15 05, 2019

Perfecting the Sales Conversation: Discovering the Pain


We must "find and solve the pain," to be told by traditional sales pontiffs. Sellers who leverage behavioral science in their methodology know that two equal and powerful motivators are at the core of every buying decision. Loss (pain) is one. Gain is the other. However, getting to the real reasons that motivate a [...]

Perfecting the Sales Conversation: Discovering the Pain2023-05-06T10:52:20-04:00
17 05, 2017

The Secret Sauce of Sales Professional’s Decisions


One Perspective "I'm a successful salesperson because I have good intuition." From the perspective of a veteran sales professional, intuition is a crucial trait of successful salespeople. Some see intuition as a powerful trait that separates great and good salespeople. However, the evidence tells us otherwise. The Evidence Research on the performance qualities of [...]

The Secret Sauce of Sales Professional’s Decisions2023-05-06T16:22:56-04:00
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