15 07, 2024

Mid-Year Sales Review: Simplify and Stop Pushing


Mid-year is such a turning point for a sales team. You can notice trends, problems, and opportunities. However, those problems can be magnified when the sales team is behind in its mid-year goal. On the individual level, sales professionals often feel pressured to push harder to meet assigned quotas as we reach mid-year. The [...]

Mid-Year Sales Review: Simplify and Stop Pushing2024-07-15T12:13:30-04:00
24 01, 2023

Sales Forecasting Needs Structure


Remember that strategic plan you set up? It was, and is, full of energy and inspiration. But there is a temptation to get distracted by everyday performance as you and your team look at more short-term goals. It is not unusual for CEOs and other senior executives to focus on what is happening now. [...]

Sales Forecasting Needs Structure2023-05-06T11:14:55-04:00
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