21 07, 2023

Part 2: Navigating the Evolving B2B Sales Landscape: Insights from “The Present and Future of the B2B Sales Profession” Study


In Part 2, our two-part segment discusses the study “The Present and Future of the B2B Sales Profession”. We believe that learning and understanding what is happening with seller-buyer behavior is a critical factor in successfully applying data and skills when in conversations. In Part 1, we covered an interesting study found in the [...]

Part 2: Navigating the Evolving B2B Sales Landscape: Insights from “The Present and Future of the B2B Sales Profession” Study2023-07-21T08:38:43-04:00
27 10, 2022

Looking for an End-Of-Year Forecast? Why Your Team is Likely to Give You an Inaccurate Forecast


In 1951, Jay Gould wrote in the Journal of Marketing that "a sales forecast need not be merely the product of informed guesswork or hunches, but that such problems lend themselves to a systematic, quantitative appraisal in which the margin of error can be greatly reduced." So, not exactly a new challenge for sales [...]

Looking for an End-Of-Year Forecast? Why Your Team is Likely to Give You an Inaccurate Forecast2023-05-06T11:15:51-04:00
20 10, 2020

What Is Under the Hood of Effective Expectations?


“They should know, shouldn’t they?” On one hand, this is a valid question. On the other hand, it may highlight a missed step in your communication with your sales team members. The baseline expectation is that they will sell the product or service your company offers to the best of their ability. But beyond [...]

What Is Under the Hood of Effective Expectations?2023-05-06T10:39:34-04:00
20 01, 2017

Execute Like It’s the Playoffs


Things are very exciting in New England! The Patriots are in the playoffs! I know; not a huge surprise, given the team's talent and coaching. But, one of the things they do well is executing their plan. For you, it's a new year. There is a new sales plan and new goals. But, despite [...]

Execute Like It’s the Playoffs2023-05-06T16:39:34-04:00
28 03, 2016

How Engaged Is Your Sales Team?


Employee engagement numbers remain pretty bleak. The Gallup State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report noted that only 21% of all employees are engaged. The engagement level in 2022 is well below the 32.5% engagement we first reported in 2016. While these numbers refer to people across organizations, it does beg the question...what about sales [...]

How Engaged Is Your Sales Team?2023-05-06T17:07:04-04:00
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